Brad Nicholls, this is his official online home. this front page is a constantly updated representative mix of himself and his work. beyond this front page you will find a deep environment of archives and surprises. enjoy.
There is a half an inch of penis on stage between them
A one hour debate is really stupid
They all square dancin' during the ads
At this point just sell the UK on Gumtree or summin'
these fucking marshmallows
Major cyber attack on today that my defenses repelled with great skill and elegance and pazazzzzzz!
The European Union is an extremely beautiful thing
Rishi Sunak (Rikishi) should have an extreme human moment tonight. If he trips and falls on his face and plays it off well, he will rise in the polls. A couple more of these, and he'll push it to a hung parliament. Put your pride away and go for the max humiliation max sympathy vote.
embomcox is dead, she died last year, this is very sad
The twin towers were so beautiful, New York really got fucked on that one, and then fucked itself building that silly replacement
Google search is dead HA HA HA
I thought about this earlier...
The first dead human body I ever saw in person was Ho Chi Minh
127 years old in a glass box surrounded by soldiers
The truth is that those Liz Truss proposals would have turned Britain into an economic powerhouse, growth would have gone through the roof and the tax base would have expanded significantly, she just went about it a really stupid way AND there was a huge force of established vampires out to suck her blood. The blame is still on her, ultimately. Those policies executed by an effective leader would have been gold.
Min Hee-jin is a fucking animal
I am officially making an offer to purchase the following islands -
Cocos (Keeling) Islands
Pitcairn Islands
Niua Islands
I will set out over the coming days my extremely exciting plans for the islands and then officially open negotiations with Australia, the UK, Niue and New Zealand and Tonga
Israeli proposal
Hamas enthusiastically accepts
Israel: "oh yeah, btw, Hamas has to be completely destroyed first"
Hamas doesn't agree to being completely destroyed first
"BAD Hamas, so unreasonable"
The war continues
I also have a headache and slight fever 🙁
I'm awake, I'm alive and it's June, nice, fun, FUN STUFF
the MAY 2024 Special Episode up tonight! recorded AND edited with my left ear fuckblocked, half deaf! ENJOY!
This doofus dipshit war criminal has killed many children and many kittens and puppies KITTENS AND PUPPIES!
I just watched a video of a cat snuggling up to her dead child owner and saying goodbye ... this war is the very definition, perhaps even the very height of what we call
LOTS and LOTS and LOTS of LOVE for FUNK 58. Thank you, it's a beautiful thing. GO READ the latest part now on
Oh Donna
The maximum sentence !!!!! THE FULL FOUR YEARS orrrrrrrrrrr he can become TRANS, or both, fuck it, BOTH