1. United Kingdom
Spain - Not included due to visiting offshore island of Majorca, not mainland
2. United States
3. France
4. Netherlands
5. Belgium
6. Germany
7. Austria
8. Slovenia
9. Italy
10. Czechia
11. Hungary
12. Mexico
13. South Korea
14. Japan
Taiwan - Not included due to not being on UN list 🙁 I love Taiwan 😀
15. Singapore
16. Indonesia
17. Australia
18. Canada
Hong Kong (Territory)
Macau (Territory)
19. Vietnam
20. Thailand
21. Myanmar
22. Malaysia
23. Monaco
24. Greece
25. Poland
26. Spain
27. Andorra
28. Norway
29. Ireland
30. Estonia
31. Latvia
32. Lithuania
33. Cyprus
34. Bulgaria
35. Sweden
36. Finland
37. Laos
38. Cambodia
39. San Marino
40. Vatican City
Northern Cyprus
41. Croatia
42. Serbia
43. Bosnia and Herzegovina
44. Montenegro
45. Albania
46. North Macedonia
47. Slovakia
48. Luxembourg
49. Switzerland
50. Liechtenstein
51. Romania
52. Turkey
53. Georgia
54. Armenia
55. United Arab Emirates
56. Oman
57. Brunei
58. Philippines
59. Denmark
60. Portugal