Brad Nicholls, this is his official online home. this front page is a constantly updated representative mix of himself and his work. beyond this front page you will find a deep environment of archives and surprises. enjoy.
We need severe appreciation for this Brad Nicholls person I have created
I watched both ' A Quiet Place' films a few days ago. Great films that are also fucking infuriating. Fuck you and well done.
I fucking hate hostels
Concrete is a nice word
The greatest criminals are never caught, never truly punished. Not for their real crimes anyway.
Civilization never even began
Russel Brand has never been interesting, talented or skilled. Just spoke vanilla shit a bit weird and fast. A boring rapist.
Only a few instances of cunt faced shit turtles on this trip. A few disgusting examples, but fewer than usual.
I did this trip with one shirt, two underwear, two pairs of socks (one of which was discarded a few days in) and one jacket, with everything I needed stuffed in the pockets. Seven countries. People really need to be talking about me more.
I actively avoided sexual intercourse on this Balkans and Slovakia trip, despite the beautiful women, I just didn't feel like mixing juice ya'know - sometimes I'm like this.