March 30th 2024

The first part of my first published novel FUNK 58 published

October 2023-January 2024

Asia Trip 7

October 2023

Luxembourg, Switzerland and Lichtenstein - my 50th country

May 2023

The San Marino Vatican City Trip

November 2022-January 2023

'An Asia Trip'

Early 2022

The Baltics

August 2021

Second Edition of MEGA released

April 2021

BRAD NICHOLLS Podcast begins

September 2020

The end of nicotine, caffeine, alcohol and recreational drugs


A Year of Ambulances, Hospitals, Horror

January 2020

New Special Mission - Visiting Every Country in the World

December 2019

First Edition of MEGA released

Summer 2016

Move to London

March 2016

The Three Year MEGA Journey ends

January 2013-April 2013

Three months across America

January 2013

The Three Year MEGA Journey begins


A year of travelling Europe

September 17th 1991

I reveal my human form

© Brad Nicholls